
Health etc Women Health Gummy: Power of Perimenopausal Gummy from Nature for Stronger You

Best Gummies for Women

As a woman your reproductive cycle goes through a lot of transitions. One of the most bothersome is menopause. Before reaching menopause is the perimenopausal stage which is filled with challenges. Handling this phase can improve the quality of your life. Most popular comment that we receive from our mom and grandparents is that eat well and stay healthy. Considering various lifestyle factors, are we adopting healthy eating habits? We prefer instant foods. We all love to eat the onion and tomato in the burger but not the salad. Healthy eating habits can help manage our nutritional needs our body requires. What about the hormonal imbalances that we face? Herbs can take action. But then what herbs and how to take that? Health etc did the job for you. Researched best herbs, incorporated it in required dosage and presented you The health etc. Women health gummy for women at and above 40 years of age, yes the starting point of perimenopause. Yes we are there in action as you begin to notice your menopausal changes.


A woman’s perimenopause is a normal transitional stage that can happen up to ten years prior to menopause. Hormonal changes occur during the perimenopause as the ovaries gradually generate fewer reproductive hormones, including progesterone and estrogen

Sudden feelings of warmth, flushing, and sweating, often accompanied by a rapid heart rate, are common during perimenopause. While each woman’s perimenopause is unique, the following symptoms are frequently experienced by women:

  • Physical symptoms include hot flashes, nocturnal sweats.
  • Emotional symptoms like mood swings and food cravings.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles.
  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Cognitive changes
  • Low sexual desire
  • Bone loss
  • An increase in abdominal fat.

Health etc women health gummy

Black Cohosh – Black cohosh manages menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, heart palpitations, sleep disturbances, and irritability.

Vitamin D3- This is essential for absorption of calcium. The daily recommended dosage is 200 IU for a healthy person and you are covered with just one gummy. This is to overcome the osteoporosis which sets in during menopause.

Soy isoflavones – Are plant-based compounds found primarily in soybeans. They have a similar structure to estrogen and can bind with estrogen receptors in the body. Soy isoflavones may help manage cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and reduce mood swings related to menopause.

Cranberry extract – Helps decrease infection and help women who get recurrent urinary tract infection. This is done by making the urine more acidic (when taken in large quantities). The cranberry is rich in proanthocyanins which inhibit E.coli bacteria from adhering to the uterine wall. Thus controls urinary infection prevalent in menopausal age.

Green tea extract – Studies have shown that green tea consumed continuously for 60 days has a significant improvement in visceral fat. Catecholamines present in green tea increases the mobilization of stored triglycerides in adipose tissue (fat cells) to release fatty acids for other tissues to use. This helps in healthy weight management during the menopausal stage.

Beta vulgaris – It has been proven that beet juice is well known to prevent and help control blood pressure, improve endothelial (blood vessel cells) functions and have a positive impact on the the inflammations in your body. They also improve iron levels and controls anemia.

Hibiscus extract – high in anthocyanin has been shown to act as phytoestrogen (oestrogen derived from plants) in some studies. Decreases the occurrence of endometrial cancer, breast cancer, blood clots and stoke to some extent.

Calcium – Adequate calcium intake is essential for healthy bones. It reduces bone loss in peri- and postmenopausal women and also regulates muscle contractions and strengthens teeth. Additionally, it helps reduce common signs of PMS.

All the herbs are like a boon for your menopausal journey. Health etc gummy is also a healthier option as it is

  • Sugar free
  • Plant based
  • Free of additives
  • No gluten
  • Free from gelatin
  • Naturally flavored
  • Non GMO


Gummy is also a form of health supplement to ease your menopausal symptoms. Effective management of perimenopausal symptoms involves a combination of lifestyle adjustments, medical interventions, and regular health check-ups. Remember that individual experiences during perimenopause can vary, and it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best approach for managing symptoms. As a woman your reproductive cycle goes through a lot of transitions. One of the most bothersome is menopause. Before reaching menopause is the perimenopausal stage which is filled with challenges. Handling this phase can improve the quality of your life. Most popular comment that we receive from our mom and grandparents is that eat well and stay healthy. Amidst our lifestyle factors are we into healthy eating? Healthy eating habits can help manage our nutritional needs our body requires. What about the hormonal imbalances that we face? Herbs can take action. But then what herbs and how to take that? Health etc did the job for you. Researched best herbs, incorporated it in required dosage and presented you The health etc. women health gummy for women at and above 40 years of age, yes the starting point of perimenopause. Yes we are there in action as you begin to notice your menopausal changes.